Студент КГМУ: Запись к специалисту в регистратуре для получения справки в детский сад( школу).Диалог.

Запись к специалисту в регистратуре для получения справки в детский сад( школу).Диалог.

Запись к специалисту в регистратуре для получения справки в детский сад( школу).

R: Good morning. How can 1 help you?
P: Good morning, my son needs a medical certificate for school. What
should I do?
R: Some specialists should examine your child. You must have feces,
blood and urinalysis taken. After it you should visit your local
pediatrician who will fill in the child's health certificate.
P: Excuse me, but I've been told something about vaccination.
R: Yes, it has slipped out of my mind. The information about
vaccination is in the medical card of your child.
P: When and where can we see the specialists?
R: Our regional ophthalmologist, otolaryngologist, and children's
neuropathologist will see children, who have came for medical
examination today after 12 p.m.
P: And where are the consulting-rooms?
R: The neuropathologist sees patients in room №5 on the first floor.
Other specialists rooms are on the third  floor. By the way the X-ray
room is on third floor too.
P: Can the child be X-ray today?
R: Yes, but you can have the analysis taken only tomorrow in the
morning. The laboratory is open from 8 a.m.
P: We will came at 8 a.m. sharp; as far as I know blood analysis should
be taken on an empty stomach.
R: You'd rather come even earlier. There are a lot of people in the
P: And when does doctor Ivanova see patients, she is our local
R: It will take you 2 days to see all specialists and have the analysis
made. You should come on Wednesday. She sees patients from 9 a.m.
till 12a.m. Do you know where her consulting-room is?
P: Unfortunately yes, we are not rare guests in your polyclinic.
R: I hope the age will give your child health.
P: Thank you very much. Let's hope for a better outcome.