Студент КГМУ: Направление больного ребенка на консультацию к специалисту или в стационар. Диалог.

Направление больного ребенка на консультацию к специалисту или в стационар. Диалог.

Направление больного ребенка на консультацию к специалисту или в стационар.

A: Good morning. May we come in doctor?
C: Good morning. Come in, please. Have you ordered your child's card in the registry?
A: Yes, the nurse will bring it in a minute. Ah, here she is?
C: Your child's name is .... Am I right?
A: Yes, his name is .... He is 5.
C: Does the child go to the kindergarten?
A: No, doctor. My mother doesn't work and she stays with the child.
C: Tell me, what troubles you in your child's condition? Could you describe the manifestations of his illness?
A: He has got a very high temperature, a bad cough, and running nose. C: How long has the child been sick?
A:Не felt rotten two days ago. But as his temperature was normal I did not call in a doctor.
C: Remove the child's clothes. I want to listen to his heart and lungs. 1 can't hear any rales. I don't think the child has bronchitis. Hold your child erect on your lap. I am going to examine his throat.
A: You know doctor, he threw up yesterday, be careful, please.
C: And what was his temperature?
A: It was over 38C.
C: The child threw up because of high temperature. Calm down, I will be very careful.
A: Are the tonsils inflamed?
C: I think the child has chronic tonsillitis. And the tonsils should be removed.
A: When should we have the tonsils out?
C: I don't want to put the operation off too long.
You should have all the analysis made. I'll refer the child to the hospital. A: Thank you. Good bye.